attire 着装
Smart casual or traditional costume of your culture. 正式休闲装,或者您的民族服装。
forecast 天气
June 3rd, 2018 in Coquitlam (where Minnekhada Lodge is) - Sunny with a high of 19°C and low of 12°C, feels like 21°C. Chance of rain 10%. Sunset at 9:10pm. Minnekhada山庄所在的高贵林市6月3日天气预报——晴,日间最高温度19°C、最低温度12°C,体感温度21°C。降雨概率10%。日落为晚上9:10。
traffic 交通
60 min from Downtown Vancouver, Vancouver, West Vancouver, Richmond & Delta; 50 min from North Vancouver; 40 min from Burnaby; 30 min from New Westminster & Surrey. 从温哥华市中心、温哥华市、西温哥华、列治文和三角洲出发约60分钟;从北温哥华出发约50分钟;从本拿比出发约40分钟;从新西敏和素里出发约30分钟。
parking 停车
There are 19 parking spots in front of the lodge for the guests. The 2-storey lodge is not wheelchair accessible. 庄园前面的停车场可容纳19辆车停放。庄园结构为2层,没有电梯。
“Please note that the following schedule may have minor changes, and make sure to check back frequently to ensure the most updated information. 温馨提示:以下时间表可能有小变化,请多回访查看以确保最新信息。”
4:00-4:30pm arrival 签到
Please arrive within this time frame, park your car in 1 of our 19 allocated parking spots just outside the lodge. Simon is the lodge manager and will provide guidance on parking. 请在4:00-4:30pm之间到达,并将车停放在山庄外面的停车场(有19个车位)。山庄的管理员Simon会在现场安排停车。
Walk up to the lodge to sign-in on our guest book, get a Hada (white or yellow coloured silk scarf of blessing) from the reception and grab a drink (sorry no alcohol as this is a very family-friendly event, and we are tea drinkers): 请在门口签到,并领取一条白色或黄色的哈达,欢迎自取饮料(抱歉没有酒水提供哦),饮料单如下:
Feel free to tour around this heritage building that stood since 1934. It was built as a country retreat for hunting by Lieutenant Governor Eric Hamber (and apparently Queen Elizabeth stayed there at one time). There is a beautiful Japanese Garden with a vibrant red bridge over a pond, right across the fountain from the lodge. A short walk down the hill will lead you to a picnic area that overlooks Minnekhada Marsh, and many of the nature trails throughout the Minnekhada Regional Park. 如果有时间,您也可以参观这个1934年建造的历史建筑。这个山庄是当初为了方便省长Eric Hamber外出打猎而建造的行宫,据说伊丽莎白女王也曾经到访过这里。喷泉对面是一个小而美丽的日式花园,池塘上架着红色的小桥。沿着来的路走下坡,您会来到一个野餐区,那里可以看到Minnekhada湿地和几条Minnekhada公园里的步行道。
4:30-5:00pm ceremony 典礼
The wedding ceremony takes place in the garden with majority of the guests standing (so be mindful of this if you are planning to wear high heels ladies). We have about 10 seats prepared for those who would like to sit. The ceremony will be moved to the lodge if the weather decides to not be nice. 典礼会在庄园对面的小花园里举行。因为时间不超过20分钟,所以我们让大家站在花园的草地上(打算穿高跟鞋的女宾们请注意哦)。我们会准备大约10个座位给有需要的宾客们。如果遇到雨天,典礼则会在室内举行。
Teresa Laverty is the registered marriage commissioner of the wedding and we are happy to have her guiding us through the ceremonial procedures. 我们很荣幸请到BC省注册婚礼师Teresa Laverty作为婚礼典礼的主持。
Michelle (Shane's sister) and Alice (Shuyi's best friend) are the bridesmaids. 伴娘团:扎西的妹妹Michelle和舒怡的闺蜜Alice。
Julian and Darryl (Shane's best friends) are the groomsmen. 伴郎团:扎西的好朋友Julian和Darryl。
After the ring exchange and pronouncement, we invite you to come up in order after the family members, to present your white Hada to the newly-weds, as a gesture of giving them your congratulations and well wishes. 新人交换戒指和宣言之后,我们邀请您跟随新人的家庭成员为新人献上哈达,表示您的祝福。
To present a Hada, first use both hands to hold the Hada horizontally in front, with palms facing up and arms wide open. Up hold both arms to shoulder height, and hang the Hada onto the newly-wed's necks. 献哈达时,用双手捧哈达,高举与肩平,然后再平伸向前,挂在新人的脖子上。
White symbolizes purity and auspiciousness like the cloud, so generally the Hada are made in white colour. There are also other colours, including blue (meaning the sky), green (meaning streams and rivers), yellow (meaning the earth) and red (meaning the protectors of the law). Hada embodies different meaning under various circumstances; it could mean good wishes, congratulations or condolences depending on whether it's a festival, a wedding, or a farewell. 藏族认为白色像云朵一样象征纯洁、吉利,所以哈达一般为白色。此外还有蓝、白、黄、绿、红;蓝色表示蓝天、绿色表示江河水、黄色象征大地、红色表示护法神。哈达在不同情况下代表着不同的意义——佳节之日,人们互献哈达,表示祝贺行日愉快,生活幸福;婚礼上呈献哈达,意味着祝愿新婚夫妇恩爱如山、白头偕老;迎宾时奉献哈达,表示一片虔诚、祈祷菩萨保佑;告别会上献哈达,是表示对去者哀悼和对家属的安慰。
5:00-5:30pm appetizer & photos 开胃菜 & 照相
Time for photos and appetizers. 半个小时给大家拍照和品尝开胃菜。
Bonnie and Nancy are the MC's of the night, taking over from Teresa the officiator. Bonnie和Nancy是当晚婚礼余下部分的主持搭档。
We have a photo booth set up in the lodge, feel free to grab a prop, make a few poses, and have your photos printed. We will have a digital collection of all the photos from the booth available on this webpage after the event. 在室内会有一个有专人值守的照相亭,照片立等可取。我们准备了照相小道具可以供大家选用。活动结束后的几天,我们会在这个页面上跟大家共享照相亭里拍下的数码相片。
The appetizers will be laid out in the dining room for everybody, have a peek at our appealing appetizer menu: 餐厅里的开胃菜供大家自行选取,这是菜单:
5:30-7:00pm dinner 晚餐
You will see a red "Roaming Dragon" truck in front of the lodge - that's where to get your flamingly-good dinner. Please follow the directions of the MC's and the attendant to place your order, from the following options: 您会看到一个大红色的“飞龙”餐车停在建筑外面——那是我们的晚餐担当。主持人和餐车服务生会指示大家如何点餐、取餐。晚餐选项如下:
Photo booth service continues throughout the dinner. 照相亭在晚餐期间照常开放。
Please be advised that this heritage building runs on a septic system that is very sensitive. So please no food down the sinks, or dish washing. The cups, paper plates and cutlery that we are using are bio-degradable and will be taken care of properly at the end of the event. 温馨提示:这个古老的建筑沒有连接公共排污系統,所以请勿在厨房洗涤餐具或倾倒食物。我们使用的餐具和杯子都可回收降解,并会在活动结束后妥善处理。
7:00-7:30pm cake 蛋糕
Time for the cake! The newly-weds will give a speech and everybody enjoys the: 新人致辞和切蛋糕,品尝我们定制的:
steamed, rice-cooker cheesecake with toasted coconut, mango reduction and spiced rum raspberry filling 由电饭锅蒸制的奶酪蛋糕,芒果和甜酒山莓酱夹心,烤椰片覆盖
7:30-8:00pm dance 锅庄
A big part of Tibetan culture is dancing, so we'd like to invite everybody to join a group dance around the fountain in front of the lodge. The videos below would give you a context of the dance culture, and what it will look like, as well as the music that we will be using: 藏族文化一个重要组成部分就是藏族舞蹈文化,舞蹈展示了藏族人民生活方式和宗教信仰。作为庆祝活动的收尾,我们邀请大家跟随我们和伴娘伴郎团一起跳锅庄。以下视频介绍藏族舞蹈文化背景、锅庄舞和届时我们使用的舞曲:
Dance culture 康巴藏族舞蹈
Dance song to be used 舞蹈歌曲
Dance example 1 例舞1
Dance example 2 例舞2
8:00-8:30pm free time
Mingle & open to suggestions? 自由活动时间,欢迎提供点子!
8:30-9:00pm bye
Time to go home - but don't forget to get a Hada from us, and grab a box of souvenir on your way out. 就这样我们就到了回家的时间了。我们会为每位宾客回献上一条哈达,以表我们的敬意和感谢。同时可别忘了带上一份小喜糖盒回家。
Tashi-Deleh (Tibetan meaning "blessings and good luck)! བཀྲ་ཤིས་བདེ་ལེགས།扎西德勒(吉祥如意)!